Safety measures to regain tourists’ confidence

Countries are slowly lifting travel restrictions and while we have seen an increase in the tourists, it’s still less then what it should be. People are not yet sure about whether to start traveling and visiting places or not, but the new safety protocols launched by WTTC can help build confidence and increase the number of tourists.

The World Travel & Tourism Council has revealed the new measures just recently to regain the confidence of the tourists worldwide and reduce risks. The new protocols would help in creating a safe environment for tourists. The protocols focus mainly on creating a safe environment for adventure tourism, as the tourists are more eager to experience adventure tourism than ever before.

A detailed meeting was held by the WTTC with the key stakeholders and organizations to make a strategy and an implementation plan. The protocols will help tourists understand what would be the experience of the new normal and how the safety measures would protect them and affect their traveling experience.

WTTC Safe Travels stamp would identify destinations and businesses that are following these protocols.

The measures would help tourists get the safe experience of adventure tourism that includes cycling, trekking, rafting, snowboarding, skiing, wildlife safaris, and more. These activities are mostly outdoors, so the new set of guidelines can help in managing social distancing even in large groups. There is an increased interest in adventure tourism and it would continue to increase post-COVID-19.

The president of WTTC said that the number of tourists that are showing interest in adventure tourism is increasing day by day and today it’s one of the fastest-growing segments. For travel and tourism to resume, regaining travelers’ confidence is the key and that can only happen if they know they would be traveling to a safe place. If tourists are confident in their safety, they would want to travel again.